How To Install Broadcom Drivers On Kali Linux

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Broadcom driver installation. Follow the steps below to locate the driver from the Ubuntu install media and run the install from inside Ubuntu. All the following file locations assume the use of a bootable USB drive and that you have it inserted and accessible on the system. In general, if something doesn't work on Linux out-of-the-box — and if it doesn't work after installing the proprietary drivers your Linux distribution provides — it probably won't work at all. If you're using an older Linux distribution, upgrading to a newer one will get you the latest hardware support and improve things. Troubleshooting wireless driver issues in Linux can be a frustrating experience if you don't know what to look for. This article is meant to be used as a general guideline to better help you find the information you need to solve your wireless issues.

This is a common problem to Broadcom wireless chip. Hunk 7 succeeded at offset 3 lines. Usually, Linux doesn't need a reboot for this sort of stuff, but maybe that's what was needed. Originally Posted by frankbell What distro? Again, this should be resolved by repeated reboots until the firmware is loaded properly. For more granular support information, please see their wiki page here. This at least gives a weak wifi you can connect.

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I don't know what to do, I'm stumped.

You don't need to follow the above steps. After you've uninstalled bfwcutter reboot your computer. The ndiswrapper package utilizes the Windows closed source drivers to activate your WiFi card.

So yes, for EL7, skip the ‘sed' commands. I read that this will be of no use with BCM If it doesn't work or the command failed saying there is no tsa module, then you could try opening a terminal and type.

0. Introduction and Background

Xdon't require running any of the commands below, EL 7. Dmesg said it was an unknown 'blacklist'. Once solved, the solution will be added to this howto.

Due to an excessively restrictive license accompanying this Broadcom driver, the ELRepo repository developers have refrained from supplying it via an rpm package – hence this manual was created with the purpose of providing a single comprehensive driver installation manual.

How To Install Broadcom Driver In Kali Linux

So, stock kernels shipped with EL 7. This will force your wireless device to ONLY connect to it.

HOWTO Get Broadcom Wireless Working with Linux

This was from the site http: I can see networks fine. I managed to get it working linuz about 10 minutes before everything imploded. This used to work just fine, and seems to be half working since I can see networks.

Is the Broadcom non-free driver turned on there? BB code is On. There definitely seems to be some new problem with Broadcom after a recent update.

If it doesn't work, please file a bug report as per the support article. Or even better a ste p -by-ste p guide to overcoming this new issuefor existing installs. Then I shutdown my PC, disconnected it from electricity and opened its left door. On some specific scenarios, installing the drivers, be it in offline mode through various DEB packages or through apt-get with internet access, will not work if Secure Boot is not disabled.

The bcmwl-kernel-source package depends on the linux-headers packages so you may need to wrieless retrieve the appropriate package s from the online repositories.

Linked packages : Broadcom Linux STA driver

I have seen that site before and was using the driver from it, but I don't know how it got replaced or whatever. Uninstall the bcmwl-kernel-source package by issuing the following command on a terminal: The description below has been applied to the STA driver but has been written before this. You can try to use Broadcoms hybrid driver with patch.

Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count.

Click Here to receive this Complete Guide absolutely free.

Nice and easy Cheers. Install the package bcmwl-kernel-source. NB if you've no access to a wired network on your machine you will need to download the bfwcutter package sat from hereas well as your card's driver from here.

In some cases you will also need the revision version if it appears for some special cases.

Last Drivers

Translation(s): English - Français

This page describes how to enable support for WiFi devices based on Broadcom BCM4301, BCM4306, BCM4311, BCM4312, BCM4318, BCM4321 and BCM4322 chips on Debian systems.


  1. Broadcom 43xx wireless devices
    1. Drivers
    2. Supported Devices


The PCI ID is not sufficient to determine the Broadcom chip within.

The relevant driver has built-in logic to probe the actual chip, for example:

Refer to for more information.


There are multiple drivers supporting Broadcom wireless LAN chips.

Linux kernel drivers:

  • b43 (supported devices)

    • Introduced in Linux 2.6.24.
    • Supports BCM4321 and BCM4322 as of Linux 2.6.38.
  • b43legacy (supported devices)

    • For 802.11b-only devices and the BCM4306 revision 2.
    • Introduced in Linux 2.6.24.
  • brcmsmac (supported devices)

    • Introduced in Linux 2.6.37, included in Debian Linux 2.6.32 kernel images.
    • Supports BCM4313, BCM43224 and BCM43225.
  • rndis_wlan (supported devices)

    • Introduced in Linux 2.6.25.
    • Supports BCM4320 USB devices.
  • brcmfmac (supported devices)

    • Supports BCM43602.
  • wl (supported devices)

    • Non-free vendor driver, not in mainline Linux kernels.
  • bcm43xx
    • Introduced in Linux 2.6.17.
    • Disabled in Debian 2.6.24 and later kernels.
    • Removed from Linux at 2.6.26.

More information on b43/b43legacy can be found on the Linux Wireless b43 driver page. The b43, b43legacy, brcmsmac and wl drivers do not support any USB devices.

Using Windows' binary drivers:

  • NDISwrapper plus the relevant Windows NDIS driver. This is a workaround for devices not supported by the Linux kernel, such as USB devices based on Broadcom wireless chips (other than the BCM4320).

b43 and b43legacy

These drivers are included as modules in Debian kernel images. Firmware from userspace is required for device operation.

Firmware is not packaged by the Debian Project. It must be downloaded and extracted, which can be performed by the firmware-b43-installer, firmware-b43legacy-installer or firmware-b43-lpphy-installer packages during their installation. An Internet connection is required.

  1. Add a 'contrib' component to your existing repository line in /etc/apt/sources.list; for example:

  2. (Note: do not add a new line. Just add ' contrib non-free' to the end of your existing line.)
  3. Update the list of available packages:

  4. Install the appropriate firmware installer package:

    For devices with a BCM4306 revision 3, BCM4311, BCM4318, BCM4321 or BCM4322 chip, install firmware-b43-installer:

    For devices with a BCM4312 LP-PHY chip (PCI ID 14E4:4315), install firmware-b43-installer:

    For devices with a BCM4301 chip or the BCM4306 revision 2 chip, install firmware-b43legacy-installer: A PCI ID check will be performed. When satisfied, the relevant Broadcom proprietary driver will be acquired, the firmware within will be extracted and installed.

  5. If not already performed, connect the device to your system. The necessary kernel module is automatically loaded for supported devices.

  6. Configure your wireless interface as appropriate.


  • Examine the kernel ring buffer (dmesg(1)) to verify the required firmware files are being loaded by the driver. Lack of firmware is the usual reason for the 'SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory' error message.

    • Run dpkg-reconfigure firmware-b43-installer, dpkg-reconfigure firmware-b43legacy-installer or dpkg-reconfigure firmware-b43-lpphy-installer (as relevant) to fetch and extract firmware again.

    • If necessary, firmware can be manually acquired and extracted using the b43-fwcutter utility, see The b43-fwcutter package will need to be installed.

  • Debian 6.0 'Squeeze' users: prior to Linux 3.0, DMA errors may occur on some systems with LP-PHY devices (589867).

    • To workaround:

  • Known issues with the b43 driver are documented on its homepage.



This should only be used as a last resort, if the device is not supported by Linux kernel drivers (e.g. Broadcom USB devices, other than the BCM4320).

Blacklist Linux kernel drivers

If loaded, the b43/b43legacy drivers will conflict with NDISwrapper. To unload and blacklist:


Kernel module and NDIS driver installation is described on the NDISwrapper page.

Supported Devices


The page HowToIdentifyADevice/PCI explains how to identify a PCI device.



The page HowToIdentifyADevice/PCI explains how to identify a PCI device.

How To Install Broadcom Drivers On Kali Linux Windows 10


How To Install Broadcom Drivers On Kali Linux Virtualbox

See Also

  • brcm80211 - Broadcom BCM4313, BCM43224, BCM43225 devices

  • rndis_wlan - Broadcom BCM4320 devices

  • How to use a WiFi interface

  • NDISwrapper

  • wl (vendor driver)

  • BCMHybridBTFirmware - Firmware installation for hybrid bluetooth adapters



This should only be used as a last resort, if the device is not supported by Linux kernel drivers (e.g. Broadcom USB devices, other than the BCM4320).

Blacklist Linux kernel drivers

If loaded, the b43/b43legacy drivers will conflict with NDISwrapper. To unload and blacklist:


Kernel module and NDIS driver installation is described on the NDISwrapper page.

Supported Devices


The page HowToIdentifyADevice/PCI explains how to identify a PCI device.



The page HowToIdentifyADevice/PCI explains how to identify a PCI device.

How To Install Broadcom Drivers On Kali Linux Windows 10


How To Install Broadcom Drivers On Kali Linux Virtualbox

See Also

  • brcm80211 - Broadcom BCM4313, BCM43224, BCM43225 devices

  • rndis_wlan - Broadcom BCM4320 devices

  • How to use a WiFi interface

  • NDISwrapper

  • wl (vendor driver)

  • BCMHybridBTFirmware - Firmware installation for hybrid bluetooth adapters

External Links

Broadcom Linux Wifi Driver Download

  • - b43, b43legacy homepage;

    • irc:// - driver IRC channel

How To Install Broadcom Drivers On Kali Linux Operating System

CategoryHardware | CategoryWireless

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